National Assessment for Scientific
Temperament & Aptitude

National Assessment for Scientific Temperament and Aptitude (NASTA) is designed and developed to identify and promote scientific temper among students. This is one of the primary initiatives under KAMP. It is an Attribute-Based assessment as against only Subject Based Assessment. NASTA provides educators, policymakers, and parents with a common measure of student achievement.


  • NASTA assess a comprehensive, integrated approach in mapping the scientific temperament of young brains.
  • Building a concept to develop an understanding of the scientific aspects of nature.
  • To help the student identify their hidden talent and provides a platform for self-assessment.
  • Mapping and help nurturing the scientific aptitude among students.


  • Mapping and helping students/parents to identify scientific attitude & enable them to understand their inherent potential for different career choices.
  • Awareness among students on the latest developments in emerging technologies.
  • Map specific attributes essential to become a successful scientist or technologist.
  • Infuse a healthy competitive spirit through rewards, based on performance levels.


  • Identify learning outcome levels of students in India and abroad.
  • Comprehensive advisory for students/parents which will help in identifying the areas of strength.
  • Data and Analytics will support policymakers to analyze the current learner's level.
  • Support schools to provide an enabling environment to identify students with unique skills.
  • Help nurture their skills/talents by creating District KAMP-Junior Scientist Club.
  • Helps policymakers to take necessary curricular reforms.

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